Clinical Programs

Our clinical programs provide a range of comprehensive HIV/AIDs and family planning services in partnership with the Rwandan Defense Forces through its hospitals and clinics, with the aim of building internal capacity to meet community needs.

All our HIV interventions support UNAIDS’ global 90-90-90 goal by 2020, and 95-95-95 endgame goal by 2030. We aim to identify 90/95 per cent of all HIV-positive individuals, link 90/95 per cent of HIV-positive people to consistent antiretroviral treatment and ensure 90/95 per cent of all those on antiretroviral treatment attain viral suppression.

HIV Testing and Counseling

Knowing your HIV status is the first step to stopping HIV transmission. Yet, taking this important step without adequate support can cause psychological stress for fear of future social stigma, rejection and disease progression. That’s  why, in collaboration with the Rwandan Defense Forces, we couple our HIV testing services with proven counselling techniques to ensure confidentiality and minimize stigma and discrimination. Our partner counsellors ensure that every pre- and post-test counselling session includes key educational messages, condom distribution, and sexually-transmitted infection (STI) screening and treatment messages.

To ensure we’re reaching populations particularly at risk of contracting HIV, and often without frequent access to health services, we work to target HIV testing and counselling in key populations. This includes female sex workers (FSW), people who inject drugs and men who have sex with men (MSM).

Our HIV testing services follow the “5 Cs” principles recommended by the World Health Organization: Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Counselling, Correct test results and Connection (linkage to care, treatment and other services).

HIV Treatment and Care

All of our HIV-positive clients are linked to appropriate treatment and care services, as well as other clinical and support services. In collaboration with the Rwanda Defense Forces, we provide combination antiretroviral treatment, along with a palliative care package, including clinical staging, viral load testing, CD4 count, prevention interventions for other infectious diseases based on national protocols, along with psychosocial support and family planning.

Family Planning

Without adequate access to health and support services, women of reproductive age are often at risk for both unintended pregnancy as well as HIV infection. To provide women, expecting mothers and their infants with the protection they deserve, comprehensive family planning services must be integrated into HIV interventions. This is key to preventing mother-to-child-transmission (PMTCT) of HIV and giving all children a healthy start to life.

At every stage of our HIV testing, treatment and care programs, women are provided with critical information and tools in order to make safe and healthy family planning decisions. At our partner hospitals and clinics, women who receive antenatal care, as well as labour and delivery services also receive a comprehensive PMTCT package, including testing, counselling and linkage to care, treatment and other services. For infants born HIV-positive, we also provide an integrated package of care and treatment.